Foster animals at the Storchenhof

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    • ‘Inventory control’ from the day today on the Storchenhof:

      The hodded crow who is feeling much better and Jens soon will give her back to nature again:

      Barn owl ‚Rani’:

      The storks inside as well as….:


      with the swans:

      That´s a biiig one, isn´t it!!!:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • The foster swans today decided to check the surrounding of the Storchenhof! Already since a few days they make their flight exercises and today they made it over the fence to check what's going on on the neighbors field.

      But somehow it gives the impression, that they were very lucky when Jens came with the car to pick them up and bring them back home on the Storchenhof. It´s not the time for the youngsters to make big excursions…..

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Jens put, to protect the sleeping hedgehogs from the cold (expected minus 20°C!!!) more straw around their places:

      Rani the barn owl was moved to the swans house because of the cold. No pictures yet.

      And last not least Jens today brought home the swans from the village pond, which more and more freezes up. They obviously enjoyed the car ride:

      Yiphee, we are here again, - the arrival seen from the webcam above:

      Forward march! The swans know their winter home:

      Emma today morning braves the cold!

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • January 6th 2008

      Sunny the watchdog from the Storchenhof:

      The storks are happy about their heated home….. :

      As well as the foster swans:

      And the sparrows having a nice get together after a rich lunch at the bird house:

      While a heron is peeping curious around the corner:

      Does he want to know whats going on in the stork houses!?:

      Yesterday fort he last time during this season the illuminated Christmas tree:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • January 8th

      Time for sunbath. Today was the day. The 5 foster swans, who are living in one house together now:

      and the foster storks were outside:

      The first foster animals of the year 2009 arrived today, meaning Jens picked them up. This buzzard was in the 29 km away village of Camzow sitting since 2 days already in the roadside ditch:

      Jens could pick him up without any problems and brought him to the Storchenhof. A swelling at the head indicates that he collided with a car (!?). otherwise no injury is to be seen. He is only pretty weak, but no wonder at this temperatures….!?:

      And this swan made a crash-landing in allotments of 21 km away Torgelow:

      One wing is a little bit injured, but otherwise no serious injury to be seen. So Jens brought him to the Storchenhof where he first has to live alone to be observated, later he might join his fellow species:

      Also in Papendorf as anywhere else in the country lots of traffic in the feeding houses. It is very necessary to feed the birds nowadays!

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • January 9th

      Very busy in …..:

      …..and around the birds feeding house:

      Eurasian bullfinches - Pyrrhula pyrrhula:

      Yellowhammer - Emberiza citrinella:

      Eurasian collared dove - Streptopelia decaocto:

      The heron is not sitting in the feeding house, but outside the Storchenhof, peeping in …..

      if there on the Storchenhof, where he just landed, are some leftovers for him….:

      left by the storks

      who are inside the storkhouse again:

      While the swans are on discovery tour:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • The buzzard is feeling every day better, also today he had a rich meal and he should be over the worst,- thanks to Jens and Doreen!

      A new foster animal was brought to the Storchenhof today from the 30 km away Eggesin. It´s a bat which was found by Mr. Einenkel somewhere outside with two injuries on the back. Was it met by a cat!?

      First of course the injuries were treated:

      Before the little animal was brought in the cellar and is there now hanging on the wall, can sleep a little bit more and is under observation:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • January 21st 2009

      Flitzi, Emmas friend:

      Crappy weather also in Papendorf. The foster swans:

      and the foster storks:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • January 22nd 2009

      Today came a call, that a swan has made a crash landing in a garden in Krugsdorf. Jens drove there immediately, but it was not too easy to get hold of the swan who was sitting on ice beside of a water hole….. and the swan wasn´t too friendly either to Jens, not only that Jens fell down on the ice …..

      But ends well everything is well and now the swan is at the Storchenhof to be taken care of. No real injuries are seen, but he is limbing…..

      But isn´t he beautiful!?
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • February 9th 2009

      On the small pool was also a thick coat of ice, which Jens today removed. He also cleaned the pool and filled new water in – and that was it!

      The swans really didn't need to be told twice and up into the water they were! For how long weren´t they able to take a bath due to the continuous cold…… They weren´t even disturbed by Jens, who was standing there making pictures. Pictures on each one of it you can see enjoyment of swans life. Look for yourself:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • A new foster animal arrived at the Storchenhof today, a barn owl with a broken leg. The vet will open at 3 p.m. so let´s hope, that he can help the lovely bird, who is, by the way, only half as big as Rani:

      Female common pheasants looking for food near the Storchenhof:
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • February 24th 2009

      After the new barn owl ate well today and doesn´t make a bad impression at all Jens decided to put the two owls together in one enclosure. So Rani has a companion now. The new one is much smaller than Rani and the plumage looks much lighter. Here is Rani:

      And here the new barn owl,- a he or a she!?:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • February 27th 2009

      Today a red kite (milvus milvus) was brought to the Storchenhof. He was found rather lifeless in the woods near Jatznick. Before Jens could bring him to the vet he was dead. Injuries were not to be seen. Such a beautiful animal and with a weight of 950 g he wasn´t really underfed!? The wingspread was 1,58 m.

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Ten ‘little’ hedgehogs were awake and crawling around. To avoid, that they wake up the still sleeping ones, Jens put them over night in another ‘residence’ before he gave them back to nature yesterday. Of course well fed, to have a good start in the new season:

      Jens hat been in Ueckermünde to pick up fish for his fosters. And of course he was looking for Kim, the stork who was brought last year to the Storchenhof with damaged plumage (after stork fights). Jens brought Kim back to the area of her nest a few days ago after he learned, that the partner of Kim already had arrived. Kim went back to her nest

      ….and partner and when Jens arrived today the partner just flew off to take breakfast….

      And the storks on the Storchenhof: Mahal and Frieder with one of the storks from the webcam nest:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Jens watched at the „Borken“ yesterday this Curlew (Numenius arquata):

      Frieder und Mahal, - proud nest owners:

      The quail (Coturnix coturnix) while breeding:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 24th of April 2009

      The raven:

      The red kite:

      has guests (barn swallows)…… who are building their house in his residence:

      And that´s the one, who is always disturbing the webcam storks:
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 28th of April 2009

      The new dreamteam of the Storchenhof!? With the boss in the middle!?

      I thought the red kite died when I got the picture, but no, he is always playing dead, when somebody is coming near…..:

      This is how he normally looks:

      And he was moved to a bigger residence:
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • A new Arrival on the Storchenhof this evening: A buzzard with an injured wing:

      One of the webcam storks looking for food:

      A little view to the nature around the Storchenhof:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 2nd of May 2009

      First the people saw this stork in the village of Belling how he walked along the road and suddenly they saw him on the meadow and he looked like this:

      So Jens was called and he picked the stork up and brought him to the Storchenhof, where he gave him first aid and bandaged his injured wing:

      Now it has to be watched if it is one of the breeding storks of Belling.

      Monday he will be brought by Jens to the Vet who is not on duty at the weekend.
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 28th of May 2009

      On the 20ies of May this baby herons were brought to the Storchenhof, because the parents were no more around. They were very weak, one even died:

      A few days later they had improved very much. Here a little overview of the some of the inhabitants living on the Storchenhof:

      And this picture is from today. The little herons are getting cheeky! They occupied the nest from Frieder and Mahal and are obviously feeling quite well in there …..:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Peoples living in the surrounding of the storknest in Groß Luckow today watched one of the adult stork hitting the smallest of the storklets with his beak and finally throwing it out of the nest. It fell in high gras and that was most probably what saved his live. Jens was called and of course he immediately drove there to pick up the chick and brought it to the Storchenhof:

      And another foster animal was brought to the Storchenhof. And this is rather a sensation, because last time a bird like this was seen in the area was in the year 1991. It was found beside of a road, unfortunately with a damaged wing, which had to be amputated

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Yesterday SOS from Luisenhof - people had found an adult stork lying under a power supply line with a badly injured wing. They went home to call Jens for help. When Jens arrived they went to the place where the stork was lying, but ..... the stork was not there any more. Well, that cannot be, because flying ..... impossible with this damaged wing .... what they didn´t know was, that in the meantime other people had also found this stork, put him in their car and drove him to the Storchenhof. As he arrived there, Doreen phoned Jens and so the search for the stork had an end .....

      Here is this beautiful stork:

      tomorrow he´ll be brought to the vet (on the weekend there is none available unfortunately ...) and most likely the wing has to be amputated. As Jens assumes, the collision didn´t happen only yesterday!

      Now of course the breed had to be taken care of. The fire brigade was called and 3 young storklets, about 2-3 weeks of age, were taken down and brought to the Storchenhof, where they will grow up together with the lucky youngster from Groß-Luckow:

      Looking forward to the picture story of Heidi and Bernd, because they had been there yesterday,- how lucky!!!
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • A new foster animal was brought to the Storchenhof this morning. A heron which was found lying on the lakeside near Prenzlau. He is in very bad condition, completely starved and Jens will go with him to the vet:

      Very well are the storklets. They are eating well and feeling good:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 29th of June 2009

      A foot race!?

      Eating contest!? In any case, it seems to taste delicious!:

      One of the breeding storks from the webcam nest needs a rest, obviously 'up there' it´s to lively....:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • 4th of July 2009

      This long eared owl was found on a camping ground in Grambin, where the youngster was found lying very weak on the earth. So Jens picked it up, brought it to the Storchenhof and will surely do his best to feed her up and thus gives her a chance for life:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • August 1 2009

      This green woodpecker Sophie brought home to the Storchenhof yesterday. She witnessed how a gust of wind caught the green woodpecker and made him collide with a car. But it looked worse, than it really is,- Jens released the most likely young bird back to nature today already. In the moment it is romping around in neighbors high trees ....

      The storks all gathered together and make their flying excursions in the surrounding, - all, except Mahal and Frieder ...

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Emma looking for .. what???

      This little hedgehog was brought to the Storchenhof today. He was found on a meadow with only 190 gram

      Charlie is feeling fine,- what else .....

      This young swan was found beside of the highway and brought to the Storchenhof a few days ago:

      He is feeling fine but cannot start to fly. Did he have an accident with a car?
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • November 3 2009

      A new patient came to the Storchenhof today: this beautiful young male sparrowhawk. While hunting he flew into a window ... now of course he is rather in a daze and has to recover. Where would he have a better opportunity for this than on the Storchenhof!? Roomservice inclusive!

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • The sparrowhawk is feeling well:

      Look at the storks today ...brrrrr:

      Jens picked up the single swan from the village pond and brought him to the Storchenhof,- wintertime is near:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • The first foster animal of the year arrived at the Storchenhof. It is a sparrow hawk, most likely a male,- small as it is. And quite starved. Obviously he had a collision with something, -people found him lying in a hedge and Jens picked him up to bring him to the Storchenhof. Unfortunately he is bleeding out of his nose, not really a good sign ... inner injuries!? Good luck to the bird and to Jens!

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • The sparrow hawk today:

      Today Jens picked up another helpless animal: a young swan who was lying beside the street. No outer injuries are to be seen, but he also is starved and very weak:

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • This beautiful young bean goose was brought to the Storchenhof yesterday afternoon:

      Nothing is remarkably wrong with her, as far as Jens can see ...
      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
    • Winter-Wonderlandscape around ... :

      .. and at the Storchenhof:

      The storks on the Storchenhof definitely don´t have to get cold feet!!

      And what is that!? ...!? Well, an otter is keeping his 'source of food' free!!!

      Viele Grüße von

      „Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“

      Antoine de Saint-Exupéry