Yesterday it was an eventfull day in and around Papendorf. First very important news. After lately 4 storks died due to electric shock, Jens phoned the energy supplier and asked for help. They immediately came and isolated all the power poles around Papendorf:
This should be a good example for energy suppliers in other regions!
Yesterday another foster animal was brought. This Buzzard was found, sitting on a road. Obviously he is not injured, but very very hungry! This can and will be helped very quickly on the Storchenhof!
These two little swans were also found sitting on a road all by themselves. Now they are on the Storchenhof in safety:
Yesterday evening came, as Jens tells, an invasion of over 25 storks, young and adult ones. The sleeping places were quickly found on the roofs around the Storchenhof:
This could bet he last picture of Tara:
This morning all the storks disappeared and with them all those from the Storchenhof, who were able to fly. Also Tara was not seen any more since this morning!
Those are all, who are ‚left over’, - one single adult stork also joined there:
After the other foster storks, who occupied the nests on the stork meadow, left the Storchenhof, Felix makes himself now comfortable in one of the nests:
While the foster storks are doing bravely and well behaved what they are doing every day ….:
………who is this one? In any case one of the foster storks who are able to fly, by any chance Felix approaching!?
Apropos Felix: we have a saying like „children evolve to peoples“, how can I say that concerning storks? Hopefully you can understand what I mean!? Felix is grown up and decided today, that the webcam nest is his!
The two from Groß-Luckow and Ducherow who yesterday still enjoyed a day in the nest up there, are not any more allowed to come even close to the nest,- not allowed by ….. Felix! Yes!!! As soon as one stork has the idea to approach the nest,- Felix is after him, nobody is allowed to enter! Because Felix is bringing twigs and branches and is ….. building ….
These young hedgehogs were brought to Jens after the parent was deadly run over by a car, what happens unfortunately by far too often:
Hedgehogs dinner:
Stork idyll of the day:
This young western honey buzzard was today near by the Storchenhof. Unfortunately Jens couldn´t make any better pictures(as he said, I think the opposite is true!), because the bird was too far away and then disappeared
Today this young swan was brought to the Storchenhof. He has an open wound on the back. Jens brought him to the vet who stapled it. Now the young swan is on the Storchenhof and will be well taken care of until he can be released to the freedom.
Oh, oh, ….. there really wanted to land one of the foster storks in the nest…. Well of course it´s worth a try, but not so with Felix standing in the nest!!! He knows how to defend his new home …..
Tonight,- the hedgehogs from the surrounding area are coming and help themselves for dinner:
And the ones who came just a few days ago with just about 180 g of weight ….
are helped inside the house with lovely food like day-old chick which they love and have – beside of the fish – abut 9 – 10 pieces during the nights. No wonder, that their weight increased up to 300 g and more:
And a picture of the little swan who just took a bath before:
To provide food stocks for (mainly) the swans, the whole family Krüger met today on fields in the surrounding area which were already harvested, and collected the “leftovers” of corn.
„Swani“ says ‚thank you’ in advance!
And this hedgehog is bringing, like his siblings a weight of around 400 g on the scale. Time to bring them within this week back to freedom!
One of the fledging foster storks (not Felix as Jens assures), sitting on the roof to keep better track of the …’situation’:
The foster storks in the evening on the way to their stork house:
Jens had to pick up the young swan from the village pond, he couldn´t walk anymore, just like the other youngster, who came to the Storchenhof,- if an adult swan beat him up? A couple of days ago people saw 3 adult swans on the pond, one too much …..
Somehow the two little swans look like the weather forecast sounds….:
The two foster storks who are able to fly Jens today locked in the enclosure, that they get used to go inside at least during the nights. Winter is coming …..:
Also the other three, nonflying storks came to their inside enclosure for the night:
Here 4 of the foster hedgehogs having dinner:
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“
Most likely a new sign of life from Felix. Today we got a few calls, that our foster stork is moving in our direction again,- just now he seems to be in Holzendorf, which means, that he is only 26 km away from Papendorf.
Well ……. lets hope he finds his way back home in time!!!!
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“
Today afternoon a phonecall came to the Storchenhof, that in Neu Schönbeck, a village about 32 km away from Papendorf a young swan was found lying beside a road. Jens immediately went there to pick up the bird.
Outer injuries Jens couldn´t find and so hopefully the swan only got a shock!? Time will show. From the other swans he got a very friendly welcome:
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“
Today Jens got a call from Holzendorf,- the stork is there. So Jens immediately drove there to look at this stork and he is now very sure,- it is FELIX , - parts of the colour marking are still to recognize!!!
The nights Felix spends in the village of Groß Miltzow in the storknest there.
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“
Today Jens brought the adult swan, Willi, who is ok again, back to the village pond. The two others were very happy to see him back, but for him it was most important to explore the pond to find out if everything is, like he left it …:
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“
This Hooded Crow (Corvus corone cornix) was found in Ueckermünde, obviously unable to fly. Before the cats get to much interested people rather brought it to the Storchenhof:
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„Man sieht nur mit dem Herzen gut. Das Wesentliche ist für die Augen unsichtbar.“